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PostTag Logo

POST TAG - The frictionless way to get drivers to the right front door, first time, every time

Keith Lewin (yep, we’re related) created PostTag after having one too many of his Amazon deliveries go missing in action.

A totally new navigation system that gets people to the right front door first time, with more accuracy than any system available. It simply "tags" 3 digits onto the end of a postcode to provide a front-door accuracy never seen before. And it does all this without causing any friction points with the customer – because it’s the only system that doesn’t force the customer to create a “locator”.

For delivery drivers it means no more wasting time searching for addresses, health workers can get to patients’ homes faster and municipal workers can find the location of essential repairs, first time… the possibilities are endless.

Even new-build housing estates get the full benefits of PostTag the moment building plans are approved – unlike Sat Nav systems that keep new house build owners waiting for up to 2 years to get on a map.

• Brand strategy
• Visual identity
• Website
(the original version for launch)

Keith came to us with one simple request: "We need a logo by tomorrow morning”.

‘Logo’ is Keith’s shorthand for a brand strategy and visual identity. It was already 5pm by the time we got off of the phone and so we did our best to deliver by 9am the next day. This is not our usual way of working but sometimes you have to roll with it.

The new visual identity plays on the idea of a hashtag. It had to be clean and simple, with an unexpected colour palette, so that the app icon stood out from the crowd on the busy screen of a phone. 

We designed and built a responsive website for launch in Squarespace that was easy to use for the founders moving forward.

POST TAG UPDATE SEP 2023: Keith and his team have raised several rounds of investment and the technology is being road-tested by several large UK retailers, supermarkets and logistics companies.