Engstrom Sound Logo over Scandinavian Nature

CHALLENGE: Engström, a very small provincial Swedish company known for crafting some of the finest hand-made hi-fi amplifiers in the world, came to us with a very big mission. While they had a great rep among a small circle of audiophiles, they needed a brand update to step up their game. Our job was to rebrand them as a top player in the universe of super-hi-fi and make incredible sound accessible to more than just the ultra-wealthy. It was time to help Lars Engström and Timo Engström, the uncle and nephew founders, hit the high notes with a whole new audience and take their place on a much bigger stage.
SUCCESS: Engström is now a go-to name for hi-fi enthusiasts everywhere, celebrated as one of the top independent brands in the world. They’re consistently winning awards and praise at major hi-fi shows in places like the U.S., Munich, Singapore, and Hong Kong. What’s even more impressive? We helped them, every step of the way, to build this global reputation on a shoestring budget, with no outside investment, while still keeping that family-owned, local business feel. Sales and market share? Both climbing steadily year on year, and showing no signs of slowing down.
• Brand strategy
• Brand name
• Visual identity
• Website
• Print
• Photography
• Video (art direction)
• Social (art direction)
The Three Crowns (Tre Kronor) are Sweden’s national symbol, and they perfectly represent a brand that’s truly Swedish in both design and sound. Lars and Timo Engström, the dynamic uncle-and-nephew duo behind the brand, are the driving force. Lars brings the engineering expertise, while Timo adds the product design flair and Scandinavian style. Together, they blend these elements—the crowns, their balanced approach, and that signature Scandinavian simplicity—into a clean, geometrically perfect identity.
Once we nailed down the brand pillars, we decided to steer clear of the word "audio" in all our Engström copy. Instead, we stuck with "sound." Why? Because "audio" sounds too technical and suggests the sound is just a reproduction. But Engström’s goal is to bring sound back to its pure, natural state—just like the sounds you’d hear in a Swedish forest or from a live band. "Sound" has the soul and authenticity that "audio" just doesn’t capture.
To give the brand that true Scandinavian Sound spirit, we drew inspiration from the pure, natural beauty of Scandinavian landscapes. We also did several photoshoots to capture the products and the production process in matt black & white, rather than glossy colour. Instead of using 3D renders, which felt too impersonal, we opted for these authentic and candid product photos to really highlight the brand’s natural, bespoke character.
We designed and produced a 32-page brand booklet for Lars and Timo to hand out at the annual Munich High End audio show. The square format echoes the brand identity. Premium matt paper gives Engström an understated and natural edge in an industry that tends to go for gloss. The minimal content allows the photography to tell the story, keeps the pages spacious, and was a welcome breath of fresh air when competitors favour cramming as much technical information as possible into their print materials.
ENGSTROM UPDATE JAN 2025: the brand is going from strength to strength and becoming a global icon in the world of super hi-fi after another show-stealing performance at the High End Munich 2024 event.